Wednesday, February 28, 2007

TRJ pesonal connection

Jeff VS Me

There are many common things and different things between Jeff and me. Jeff is a main charector and he's a teenager like me. The common things about us is first we both didn't talk much with our father, but when the time passes we get more closer and we became comfortasble with father. Also we both are introverted, but later Jeff gets extroverted. In addition he two best friends who are really close to Jeff and I also have two best friend in Seoul but we meet once in 6mounths. Lastly he don't cares about his grade but later he little bit cares now because of his father and I also didn't cared about my grade until 8th grade but after I became high school student my parents cared too much so I became careful about my grade. However the different thing is he miss his mother too much when he was young but when he gets older he hates his mom. But my situation is oppisite.. I fought many times with my mother when I was young but these day my mother and I get closer. Also he likes nature, boats and animals. However I don't like nature because I'm not interested in nature. Instead of nature I like computer and TV. In addition he lives only with his father and I don't. Lastly he is smart and genious. However I'm not. Although we have many things in common and different things but I want to be like him and I really really respect him.

TRJ 5stars quote

There were many good quotes in this book and the best one that I liked was on page 160. The quote is ".......Because I didn't know I could hate any body that much... its like she'd stuck a sword into me, one of those Japanese samuri sword.......I couldn't get free from the feelings.......-and I wanted to hit her.....I finally realized that she had always lied to me... I hated her........ I was scared," which is from Professor. This was my favorite quote, because this quote reveals the secret and the reason why professor was so expressionless. Also because of this quote, readers could get to know more about Professor, and it also tells Melody is a liar. I think this quote is the twisted part. After I read this I felt wierd. Before this I thought Profesor wasn't interested in his son, and he only liked himself. However after reading this it made me shocked and I begin to hate Melody like Jeff. I thought Melody loved Jeff and cared Jeff more than Max, her boy friend but she love Max than anyone even her Gambo her greandmother. Also after reading this I noticed that people who lie more believable and if other people knows its a lie, they will really get disappointed. Anyway because this quote tells many secrets and I think this was a climax part, this quote is my favorite quote.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007



In this book the author, Cynthia Violet writes many fore shadows and I will tell some prominent fore shadows. The first thing is that when Jeff visit to Melody she had a boy friend named Max. Then she spends more time with her bofriend, Max than her son, Jeff and also lied to her grandmother, Gambo that she is going to work by alone, but the fact is she was going to the party with his boy friend, Max. In here we could predict that Jeff will fight with Melody, and Melody is treated as a liar. Jeff really fights with her seriouslly, and when Melody runs away from the house Proffesor didn't feel sad because Melody was a liar. Other foreshdow is when Jeff fight with her mother, we could know that he will never visit his mom, Melody and won't love her.The third fore shadow is when Proffesor, Jeff's father, buys a Matin which is a guitar to Jeff, we could predict that Jeff and his father, Proffesor will get closer, and Jeff will play his guitar, Matin, many many time. The last fore shadow is when Dicey comes to Jeff while playing his guitar, Martin, and ask what song is he playing, they will get more closer. After few pages later they get closer and they introduce themselves to their familys and they really gets closer. Because author, Cynthia Violet, wrote many fore shadows the book became more interesting and more fun. So she is one of my favorite autor.

TBJ letter


Dear Professor,
How are you doing? I’m doing okay. I’m appreciating that you tell the truth about Melody and I think we are getting closer. After Melody left I was so sad and desperate.
I thought you didn’t care about me and Melody. I’m also thank you about the guitar you bought. I’m practicing a lot. One day I’ll sing with you with my guitar. These days I’m so happy and after we moved to the new house I feel much better. I’m so sorry when I ruined my grade in University School. But this time I’ll do my best. I want to say congratulation that you will publish the book soon, and I wish many people enjoy. But I want you to rest some. I think you are working too hard. Let’s ride a boat that you have bought, and catch many crabs. Anyway I’m so happy that we are getting closer and I’m sad about Melody but let’s cheer up together. Thank you for everything and let’s have a good time forever, and be healthy. I love you very much.

Your only son

Dear my son.
I'm happy that you wrote a letter for me. First I want to say your'e welcome. I'm glad that you are doing well in school. I'm sorry that I'm so busy, but wait, soon as I'm possible I'll send my time with you. As I said before I wish you read my book at 15years old and I wish you'd like it. I'm sorry about Melody problem, but cheer up. Anyway thank you and lets have fun.

Your father

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


This book is similar to Unfortune Event Series. The reasons are first the children are suffering. In the first book it was very similar to Unfortune Event Series. Also the children get their guardians. Lastly they lost their parents. So this book is very similar to The Unfortune Event Series.


If I could talk to some one in this book, I will choose Gram. I will say to her cheer up, because she had a miserable lfe and she would be lonely when her children leave her. Also her husband died and her 2 children died. So I will say cheer up.

Thursday, February 1, 2007


If I wrote this I would change one thing. In this Thillermans's sibling's mom dies but I won't do that. Because I don't like sad ending and if parents dies it is sad. So I will change only this part.


My least favroite character is Mina. The reasons are first she is so arrogont, because there was a essay homework and it was writing about person. However, she wrote herself down and made her good person. Also she thinks she is the smartest person in her class. In addition I just don't like her aditude.