Tuesday, February 27, 2007



In this book the author, Cynthia Violet writes many fore shadows and I will tell some prominent fore shadows. The first thing is that when Jeff visit to Melody she had a boy friend named Max. Then she spends more time with her bofriend, Max than her son, Jeff and also lied to her grandmother, Gambo that she is going to work by alone, but the fact is she was going to the party with his boy friend, Max. In here we could predict that Jeff will fight with Melody, and Melody is treated as a liar. Jeff really fights with her seriouslly, and when Melody runs away from the house Proffesor didn't feel sad because Melody was a liar. Other foreshdow is when Jeff fight with her mother, we could know that he will never visit his mom, Melody and won't love her.The third fore shadow is when Proffesor, Jeff's father, buys a Matin which is a guitar to Jeff, we could predict that Jeff and his father, Proffesor will get closer, and Jeff will play his guitar, Matin, many many time. The last fore shadow is when Dicey comes to Jeff while playing his guitar, Martin, and ask what song is he playing, they will get more closer. After few pages later they get closer and they introduce themselves to their familys and they really gets closer. Because author, Cynthia Violet, wrote many fore shadows the book became more interesting and more fun. So she is one of my favorite autor.

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